Country: Turkey

Explore the city of Ankara in Turkey, whether on a city break or as part of a longer trip. Short tours and activities for Ankara and nearby attractions are shown below (where available). You can also check out a wide range of guidebooks from the link above and explore flight and accomodation options from our industry leading partners below.


Tours of Ankara

There are 2 General tours for Ankara available.

Price: £205

Duration: day tour


Private Tour of the Hittite Sites

Journey to Yazilikaya and see an impressive open air rock sanctuary created by the Hittites, the second oldest known civilization in Anatolia. At Hattusas, the ancient Hittite capital which dates from 3,000 BC, you'll visit Lion's Gate, King's Gate, Citadel and the Grand Temple.

Price: £73

Duration: day tour


Private Tour: Ankara Sightseeing

A trip to Ankara is not complete without exploring such ancient sites as the Museum of Anatolian Civilizations, where you can see numerous remnants of the Stone Age, Neolithic Age, Hittites, Urartians, Phygians and more. Other highlights include Ataturk Mausoleum and the Citadel of Ankara.

Book Flights to and Accomodation in Ankara

Plan your trip to Turkey by booking best value flights and accomodation with our industry-leading partners.