Guidebooks for Slovakia from all the major travel publishers are listed below, including country, specialist and multi-country guides, as well as books for regions and cities within Slovakia (where available). Links to Amazon (UK, US and Canadian stores), Waterstones (UK) and selected publisher websites allow you to purchase the guidebooks online at best value with one simple click (individual chapter downloads are also available for selected Lonely Planet titles). Before choosing your title, check our buying guide to see the types of guidebooks available or click on the publisher logos below.

Guidebooks including Slovakia (6)Slovakia (2)noneBratislava (1)

Country Guidebooks for Slovakia

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Insight Slovakia - Step by Step Guide

Step by Step Guides

Take a fresh approach to your holiday with Step by Step guides. Written by local experts, these guides take you step-by-step through the City; highlighting the best walks and tours each destination has to offer. Whether you are new to the city or a repeat visitor, and however long your stay, this book is the perfect companion, showing you the smartest way to link the sights and taking you beyond the beaten tourist track. Tailor-made itineraries include options for all tastes, from art enthusiasts and architecture buffs, to night owls and shopaholics!

Slovakia - Step by Step Guide

Jan 2009 (current ed.)
128 pages


Bradt Slovakia

Country & Regional

Bradt's flagship series focuses on the great adventure travel destinations, many of which are well off the beaten track and ignored by other publishers. Titles of note include Ethiopia, Burkina Faso, Congo, Kyrgyzstan, Borneo, Iran and Colombia.


Apr 2007 (1st ed.)
352 pages

Author(s): Lucy Mallows