To help inspire or plan your trip to Ecuador, some of its major attractions for travellers are shown below, including some of the best natural, historical, cultural and adventure sites in the country. These include all of UNESCO World Heritage Sites for Ecuador which represent the best of the world's cultural and natural heritage.
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Go to Region of Ecuador-> Ecuador mainland

Ecuador mainland - Rail Journeys

Devil's Nose Railway

The railway between Riobamba in the Andes and Guayaquil on the coast was built around the turn of the century. This astonishing engineering achievement allowed rail traffic to climb the Andes for the first time, dramatically improving Ecuador's transport and communication. Today you can take the rail bus, essentially the body of a bus mounted on rail wheels, along the most spectacular part of the track - the Devil's Nose descent, a series of switchbacks down a ridge and into the gorge of the Río Chanchán that drops almost 800 metres. The rail bus is boarded from the Alausí for a return journey.