Experiences > Wildlife attractions > Latin America > Wildlife Reserves of Panama

Location: Panama

Darien National Park

Darien National Park is located along the Colombian border with Panama and the Pacific coast. It comprises a diverse range of habitats including sandy beaches, rocky coasts, mangroves, swamps, and lowland and upland tropical forests. Wildlife found in the park include the jaguar, ocelot, bush dog, capybara, giant anteater, howler monkey, crocodile and harpy eagle. Darien is also home to two major indigenous groups, the Choco and Kuna Indians, and a number of smaller groups who still live by traditional practices. This is an area of true wilderness off the beaten path but its location near the Colombian border means you shouldn't travel without a guide.

La Amistad National Park

La Amistad National Park covers over 4,000 km² on both sides of the Panama-Costa Rica border. The park contains a huge variety of habitats including lowland tropical rainforest, cloud forest, subalpine paramo forests, pure oak stands, glacial lakes and high-altitude bogs. The species diversity is equally impressive with tapir, squirrel monkey and all the Central American wild cats including puma, ocelot, jaguarundi, tiger cat and jaguar. Additionally four different Indian tribes inhabit the park. Walks through the park allow you to spot wildlife and appreciate the remarkable natural scenery. In particular, the Los Quetzales Trail in Panama between Boquete and Cerro Punta around the Baru volcano has spectacular views of the forest and valley and is home to the rare and beautiful Resplendent Quetzal.

Travel to Wildlife Reserves of Panama

Organised group tours: Click here to see 1 tours to Panama which may include Wildlife Reserves of Panama.